Bed Bug Facts

New York Times article on the top 10 tips for staying in a hotel.

The New York Times says when staying in a hotel, don’t put your luggage on the bed… and we agree!

Via NY Times

“Bed bugs are gross little vampires. Like mosquitoes, but worse. Putting your luggage on the bed can give them a free ride to your next location … like your house. The luggage rack might not be a good option either, since it’s usually close to the bed. Your best bet is to put your luggage in the bathroom and then give the bed, rack, and chair/sofa a close look. Also, don’t assume that just because hotel is super posh it won’t have bed bugs. They might have more means to get rid of the problem, but it can happen anywhere.” – Read the full article

See folks, all the more reason you need to travel with a bed bug plug, and the reason we include a travel case. Get yours now!