Bed bugs certainly don’t make good cuddle buddies let alone a fun read. However, by informing yourself places you in a better position to assess whether you may develop a bed bug problem and if you should look for assistance. Bed bugs are by far one of the most annoying sleep depriving annoyances, just seeing one can cause an overactive imagination creating terrifying scenarios in your mind. For those reasons, we recommend reading up about bed bugs and related issues. Knowledge is a crucial step in the defense against bed bugs.

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Bed Bug Associations

The National Pest Management Association(NPMA) website is full of abreast research findings and advice for pest management companies, businesses, and homeowners. For bed bug-related public health issues, the NPMA has excellent resources about federal and state advocacy initiatives and activities.

The International Bed Bug Resource Authority(IBBRA) is an industry-leading resource that provides information about bed bugs. Whether it’s intervention or prevention for consumers, including “how to tell if you have a bed bug infestation“, it’s the first prong of its “layered defense strategy,” which consists of three steps: Educate, Evaluate, and Initiate.

This American Camp Association’s resource was designed for campground coordinators and staff. But, contains excellent general information about bed bugs, bed bug prevention/protection, and bed bug removal as well.

Helpful Information for Bed Bugs

Purdue University’s Bed Bug fact page provides detailed information in a convenient FAQ format, with Do(s), Don’t(s) and useful tips for bed bug removal. It can also be printed out as a guide to refer to during your travels.

The Environmental Protection Agency has a dedicated hub of information on Bed Bugs.  This includes everything from general bed bug information, protecting yourself when traveling or out in public, safety/prevention, webinars, and related topics. Read up on the latest findings concerning public health and pest-borne diseases.

The Centers for Disease Control Environmental Health Services topic section has an editorial on Bed Bugs. This information contains numerous strategies, materials, and guidance directed mostly at industry professionals and scientists, but some pieces are worth reading by laypeople.